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Senegal is a small country in West Africa, barely half the size of Sweden. The country's capital is Dakar and is located on the peninsula of Cap Vert, which is the westernmost point of the African mainland. It lives about 14.5 million people in Senegal. In common, the population in Senegal live on agriculture and fishing.

Senegal is divided into two parts due the small State Gambia goes straight into the land along the Gambia River and shields Casamanceregionen in the south from the rest of Senegal.


The country is more developed than its neighbors, but even so, there is great poverty. It is two-thirds of the Senegalese population living on less than two dollars a day, and half the rural population lacks clean water. The lack of clean water leads to the spread of parasitic diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis and measles. It is also common for diarrhea spreads.


Just over half of Senegal's population can read and write, which is a low number in Africa. Still, reading and writing skills has increased in recent decades. One in four children do not attend school at all even though it is compulsory education from the age of six.


Senegal has a very vibrant music and dance culture that is the basis for a successful music industry. Many artists have gained international recognition with the music style mbalax.

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